Why is nutrient density important?

Do French fries & baked potatoes have the same nutritional value?

They’re both veggies.

Yes, one’s been fried, but has that affected the nutritional benefit of the potato.

The baked potato is lower in fat and calories, and eating the potato skin provides more vitamins and minerals.

So it’s safe to argue that the baked potato is the more nutrient-dense option.

Because despite either preparation process, the potatoes nutrients are within it’s skin. So maybe, skin-on potato wedges in the air fryer instead of regular cut fries.

How can we measure food density in foods we eat?

The level of vitamins and minerals present in a food is referred to as its nutrient density. When it comes to nutrient density, you want to make every mouthful of food count when you’re on a diet.

The more nutrients you consume, the healthier you will become and the less you will crave unhealthy foods.

The bulk of nutrient-dense foods, fortunately, are low in calories. Let’s look at some of those foods and how you might include them in your diet.

Whatever diet you follow – Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, or Weight Watchers—nutrient-dense foods with high water content and low calorie count will be emphasized.

To put it another way, eat a lot of fruits and veggies! In comparison to other foods, these two food groups contain the greatest amounts of vitamins and minerals packed into their structures.

Apples, carrots, spinach, and kale are examples of low-calorie foods that are high in nutrients but low in calories.

Why not potato chips, then? Isn’t it made from potatoes? And don’t all potato products have the same food density? …

That’s a vegetable, by the way. However, in this case, the potato’s water content has been replaced with fat content, along with a significant amount of nutrients.

You end up with something that started out as a nutritious potato, but has been transformed into a dish that barely resembles what it was.

It’s now higher in fat, calories, and sodium, and it’s absolutely lacking in minerals and vitamins. When trying to reduce weight, this is definitely not a good dietary choice.

Meat, nuts, and seeds also include a lot of nutrients in their structures, but incorporating them into your diet requires a bit more caution. Because these foods have a high fat content as well as a high nutrient content, it’s easy to overeat them.

food density, nutrients in nuts

A handful of nuts each day is enough to reap the benefits of the high nutritional density without gaining weight. The same is true for meat: six to nine ounces of lean meat each day will provide you with the vitamins your body requires without adding to your girth.

Incorporate these nutritional realities into your daily routine, adding nuts & lean protein, and see fast weight loss improvement!