If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, you’ve most likely heard of the Alli weight loss products. 

But does Alli work?

The active ingredient in Alli pills is orlistate and these pills represent the only over-the-counter weight loss aid that is accepted by the FDA. 

Alli pills aren’t all you get when you make your purchase. You also get a customized and detailed weight loss plan. 

Which tells me that the weight loss achieved by these pills has a very small percentage that comes from the supplement itself. By combining anything with an improved diet as well as physical activity is going to result in weight loss.

Essentially, you must understand that just taking a couple of pills will not get you the results you desire. This must be a collective approach one that doesn’t need to involve Alli pills at all.

Because the core necessities of weight loss includes making diet changes as well as incorporating exercise.  Our bodies crave movement and all systems will regulate and improve in function and performance by incorporating exercise, including our metabolisms. 

A plan of action is always necessary but you must be dedicated and determined to stick to this plan. Short and long-term goals always help to lead you down a path of success. You know where you want to go and you’re following the path and the steps to get there. 

So what should I eat with Alli?

Alli will assist in weight loss, since it actually prevents your body from absorbing about a quarter of the fat you eat. If you maintain a healthy, reduced-calorie and low-fat diet, the Alli pills can make a significant impact in your weight since they prevent a percentage of calories from actually entering into your system.  

When I say reduced calorie I’m still implying getting the recommended calorie amounts based on your current weight. 

And when I say low fat diet I mean maintaining healthy fat in your diet but staying away from any deep-fried foods or saturated fat that is found in many fast food items which are full of trans fats, which are detrimental to your health. 

But we must not eliminate fat from the body or consume low-fat products because they contain many other chemicals and increased sugar levels to make up for that unnatural fat content. 

Our bodies need healthy fat, fat found in avocados, nuts, cheese, flax seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, olives and fatty fish…  like salmon and sardines…to function optimally and in fact lose weight.

Also including butter and eggs, real butter not margarine not butter spread. 

Give your body the healthy fat it needs. On a daily basis. 

And this will also improve your hair skin and nails giving them the nutrients needed for faster cell regeneration as well as increased  antioxidants within your body. 

These are the food sources that can even increase your youthful appearance and avoid the visual effects of the aging process. Think about lubricating your body from the inside out. 

A low-fat diet is not the key to weight loss and is not healthy for the body. Our brains need fat to function, because our brains are comprised a fat.

How much weight can I lose? 

Alli’s marketers claim that these capsules can help you to lose up to 50% more weight than just if you were just dieting. This translates to you losing 15 pounds (ca. 7 kg), instead of just 10lbs,  if you are taking the pills.

Keep in mind that you should never try to lose large amount of weight all at once. You should aim for 3 pounds (1.36 kg) at the very most per week. 

This will also decrease sagging skin, when weight loss is gradual.

Another important feature of Alli products is that they don’t adversely affect your brain or heart–they only impact on your digestive system. 

One of the most common negative side effects of using Alli is that you may have to run to the bathroom right away after eating a meal with too much fat.

 Which is good incentive in itself to avoid any deep-fried or fatty foods all together. 

So, does Alli work?

Maybe too well. 

Other side effects include gas and oily spotting when you go to the bathroom or loose stools. Which is less common in some other weight loss supplements, but Alli won’t make you feel jittery or restless or affect your normal sleep pattern, like most stimulant fat burner weight loss supplements will.

It is recommended that if you do take Alli products, you should also take vitamins as some of these will be flushed out along with the fat. 

Also, as mentioned earlier, you do need to stick to a weight loss plan of some sort. The pills alone will probably not get your desired results. The daily recommendation is three pills every day (one before each meal).

Remember that results vary from one person to the next and that Alli is only meant to be an aid in your weight loss plan. If you maintain a healthy diet, keep up with regular exercise and get enough sleep, you should be able to get positive results within the first six months of following the plan and taking the pills.

Avoid the temptation to lose your weight too fast. This will only backfire in the long run, even short term. And most likely not result in lasting success. 

The Take Away.. 

So Does Alli work?

Yes, but not without you being dedicated to a weight loss plan.  This is a fat blocker so it’s solely will help with the fat your body needs to break down and ultimately avoid from storing. 

But to truly achieve lasting weight loss, a healthy diet and consistent routine of physical activity is necessary. 

We need to look at weight loss as the pathway to Healthy Living and a healthy lifestyle. 

To have lasting change we need to form lasting habits. So one supplement cannot be the quick fix or end-all-be-all of weight loss. 

It can be a supporting Factor, but not the only Factor. 

Let dietary supplements be the catalyst or the psychological start towards heading in the right direction. 

Allowing your determination and motivation to make other health changes towards a healthier you.


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