Using Green tea for weight loss is well-known amongst overweight and healthy weight individuals, alike. 

While there is no substitute for eating right and exercise, natural green tea capsules can help you achieve the results you are after in terms of your goal weight. 

The correlation between green tea pills and losing weight was discovered fairly recently. 

And since then, there have been numerous studies established in order to thoroughly understand the link between green tea pills and weight loss.

And it has been found that green tea can really help you to get rid of those extra pounds. 

I’ve found Lipton green tea bottled to be quite effective & slimming as well. Despite my dislike of fake sugar, I’ve only utilized the diet version, citrus flavor.

Great source of antioxidants?

Green tea is known as one of the healthiest beverages in the world. It can be taken as a tea or can be added into cooking. Here is a collection of the great benefits of green tea.

A great source of antioxidants, green tea can reduce inflammation in the body which is also known as a precursor for premature aging.

 Protecting cells from damage, these antioxidants can prevent  many chronic diseases, labeling it as a superfood that offers overall protection of Health.

Green contains caffeine as well as L-theanine. The combination of both has reportedly shown increased brain function including memory, cognition and mood boosting. 

Green tea is also a potential protector against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, due to its power to counter oxidative stress. 

In both animal and human studies, green tea has shown to increase metabolism and fat burning. It also shows abilities of preventing fat gain while also decreasing appetite.

The antioxidants in green tea rejects cancer in several ways. Green tea protects against the uncontrolled growth of cells that can lead to cancer and then also helps prevent fat increases which helps cancer from spreading.

Increases immunity support?

The antioxidants in green tea supports immunity and is also antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. It can also fight bad breath as well as performing as a prebiotic with improved gut bacteria.

Also, protect against any loss in bone density which then decreases the possibility of fractures and improves overall bone strength and quality. 

Another study showed a connection between green tea and decreased osteoporosis. Green tea reduces inflammation which then decreases any loss of calcium in the bones which supports healthy bone mass.

 Can prevent diabetes?

Studies have shown a correlation between green tea, blood sugar stabilization and insulin sensitivity in humans. Green tea also improves fasted blood sugar levels. Researchers also found that the consumption of green tea decreased the risk of developing diabetes regardless of age, sex or body weight. 

Green tea in itself has very protective attributes and benefits. It maintains and increases heart health. It reduces bad cholesterol, blood pressure as well as blood fats. It also prevents artery hardening and heart disease, thereby  lowering risks of stroke. 

Slows down the aging process?

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it helps to prevent signs of aging including wrinkles, by its ability to prevent the breakdown of collagen fibers, helping to maintain the natural elasticity of the skin.

Studies also showed that the cells of regular green tea drinkers had a younger biological age than non green tea drinkers, by approximately five years.

Research also shows that regular green tea drinkers live longer. One particular study showed that older adults that drink the most green tea were less likely to die, by 76% less than non-drinkers within the same age range.

But before you can fully appreciate the benefits of green tea weight loss, you need to understand the problems associated with other weight loss aids. 

While other slimming aids contain chemicals that can add to a list of negative side effects, green tea is natural. Also, many other weight loss pills contain stimulants which could be harmful to the heart. Green tea extract is not harmful to the heart in any way. In fact, it is good for the heart.

Finally, many other supplements or capsules suppress your craving for food so that you feel full even if you have eaten very little. This satisfied feeling lasts for a long time. That may seem good but in reality it can backfire.

If you don’t feel the need to eat or snack healthy food, your body is not getting all of the nutrients that it requires and this is not the right way to go about shedding pounds.

It is the above concerns that have made people curious about the green tea alternative. 

Green tea or pills contain the precious green tea extract whose main function is to increase your metabolism rate. This is what actually causes a faster burning up of extra fat and can get you quicker results.

Green tea is also a great option because not only can it help you lose weight, but it also protects your digestive and respiratory systems, works against diabetes and reduces cholesterol. 

While you are taking green tea extract, you can go ahead and eat three balanced meals and two snacks each day, guaranteeing that you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs.

Also, include daily physical activities, like walking or exercise –this type of exercise combines perfectly with green tea weight loss as the extract is already doing the calorie burning for you.

Here’s My 21- Day Exercise Program to improve strength, muscle tone and flexibility.

Green Tea is a very popular product that helps the metabolism of fat and raises your level of energy working much like caffeine in giving you more energy. 

It also raises your metabolic rate while improving insulin stability as well as fat oxidation. Weight loss benefits have been found by drinking as little as two and a half cups of green tea each day. 

Matcha green tea is one of the richest types of green tea both in antioxidants and nutrients. As to not affect the healthy chemicals in green tea. Avoid bringing water to a boil with the tea bag present. 

Instead, after boiling the water, give it a resting period of about 10 minutes and then pour that water over your tea bag and let it brew for about 1 minute. 

And then enjoy all of the weight loss benefits!