Are you making the commitment to lose weight and get in shape?

So let’s do it!

But, you are probably trying to decide how much weight you should you try to lose and how.

Firstly, setting goals is the first step.

Setting the right goals may be one of the hardest things to do. Adversely, not setting goals for yourself will invite failure to your weight loss journey.

It allows you to lose focus and stop actively pursing any improvements whether they be, fitness or financial goals.

Here’s My Wellness & Goal Setting Planner to keep you focused and consistent on all your goals!

So what kind of weight loss goals should you set for yourself?

These should be short & long term goals, because they are equally important.

Attainable goals that keep you improving and motivated consistently. 

Goals you can see yourself succeeding with, because you consciously feel that they are reachable.

Not focusing on social media or others you may know or observe from a far.  Unsuccessfully, trying to quickly attain their level of success without reaching yours organically. 

In order to set the best goals for yourself you need to know where currently you are and where you’d like to go. 

How much weight would you like to lose, realistically?

So, would you like to lose 4lbs a week? 12lbs a month?…

What’s your dream weight? That would make you feel desired and confident again?

What amount of weight would keep you from getting downhearted?

Think back to your lowest weight of all time… Was that when you were in high school… Or in your 20s… Or even before your first pregnancy?

Thinking of those realistic body weights show realistic levels of weight loss for your body type and metabolism. Even though your metabolic weight will improve, it may even surpass your once previous healthy rate of metabolism.

Remember you didn’t gain these extra pounds overnight. So be patient with yourself and allow your body to consistently burn the extra weight by intentional changes of diet and activity

Do I really have to exercise though?

Incorporate some sort of physical activity, whether it be my 21-Day Fat Burning Plan linked above or even taking a brisk walk around your neighborhood.

Our bodies are like well-oiled machines and to keep all systems working at their full potential, movement is needed.

This is true, whether we’re talking about your skeletal system(joint health), circulatory system, your metabolism, your cardiovascular system or your respiratory system. 

Physical activity improves all bodily functions.

Set a reasonable long-term goal and give yourself rewards for meeting these goals.

But, be sure you set short term goals that will lead you to that ultimate long term goal successfully.

Find the right fitness routines, supplements and eating plans, like keto, that will help retrain your brain, i.e. new wellness and fitness habits to reach these very attainable health goals.

Click Here for 5 Great Weightloss Products:

Take A Look At Where You Are

It isn’t just a matter of how much you weigh, it is a matter of taking an accurate assessment of where you are right now.

You should go visit your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to engage your body in physical activity.

Also, find out your true weight and get your body mass index (BMI) number below. Your starting point.

Even though the scale won’t always move drastically, inch loss will be a constant source to show improvement.

BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index Calculator

Enter your height:

Enter your weight:

Your BMI is: ?

What does your BMI Score Mean?

Below 18.5 – you’re in the underweight range.

Between 18.5 and 24.9 – you’re in the healthy weight range.

Between 25 and 29.9 – you’re in the overweight range.

Between 30 and 39.9 – you’re in the obese range.

Body weight that is considered obese may lower than you may even realized.

Also, take measurements of your hip-to-waist ratio and your body fat percentage.

It isn’t necessary to have all of these, but it will help you keep track of where you started.

Use this BMI Calculator as a compass to your healthiest weight range, leading you to increased wellness.

Decide Where You Want To Go.

Make sure that you have reasonable goals set for yourself.

Ones that won’t leave you discouraged or unmotivated.

For instance, going from a size 40-inch waist to a 30-inch waist in 2 weeks, probably isn’t very realistic for you.

Going from a 40-inch waist to a 34-inch waist in 5 weeks is fairly reasonable, but still ambitious.

And Losing 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) is a realistic long-term goal, but losing 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) in two weeks probably isn’t a realistic one.

Try to aim for a goal that is realistic. Make sure you have a planned date to reach that goal that is doable as well.

Don’t try to do the impossible.

Strive for what you are capable of doing and when you reach that goal, set a more ambitious one for yourself.

Plan on continuously setting short-term goals along the way to break up your weight loss journey a little.

Reward Yourself.

Plan on doing something nice for yourself for reaching a set goal.

Make it something special. Keep reminding yourself of it as often as possible.

Always acknowledging & rewarding yourself for the hard work you do.

Don’t just have one reward for yourself, though.

For each milestone you reach along the way, treat yourself to something special. Give yourself little prizes or your favorite food in proper moderation… all for being such a determined and focused person.

These treats and rewards will make the long-term goal easier to reach.

Figuring out how much weight should you lose is a good goal, but don’t let that be the only goal you have. Weight loss goals should be coupled with overall wellness goals.

It’s important to focus on a full approach to a healthy body and system to achieve optimal wellness and avoid unnecessary illness that come from unhealthy living and habits.

Bottom line.

The true key to losing weight is to make a full lifestyle change, including permanent change of eating habits, including food choices as well as maintaining some sort of physical activity on a daily basis. 

If you are truly serious about losing weight and getting healthy, give yourself the highest odds by being realistic about where you are and where you want to go with short & long term goal setting.

And stick to them.

Be sure to read my weight loss posts, discussing and explaining many weight loss systems, techniques, approaches and plans to achieve your desired weight loss sooner than you’d ever think.