If you’ve wanted to lose weight for years or you’ve just gained some extra pounds recently, finding the perfect product for your individual system is both stressful and a challenge.

There are many options on the market these days, narrowing down one that you will work for you and help you shed those pounds is crucial.

Now we all get excited at the thought of shedding excess pounds and gaining an attractive silhouette with increased confidence and health.

…but for some reason that excitement starts to wear off rather quickly.

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There are so many aspects of weight loss that must be addressed to stay focused and successful.

Lifestyle choices, including eating habits…herbal supplements to support weight loss as well as physical activity to tone & shape a healthy and fit physique.

Once I compiled the different aspects of needed for weight loss and lifestyle change for optimal wellness, I decided to arrange this list for my clients and readers.

This post goes over everything needed to finally lose weight and improve your overall body health.

Top Weight Loss Tips:

  1. Avoid sugary drinks and foods
  2. Drink water before meals, increase water intake
  3. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods, low carb foods
  4. Eat soluble fiber, leafy greens
  5. Drink coffee or tea, green tea
  6. Base your diet on whole foods, from the ground or all-natural meat
  7. Eat slowly
  8. Sleep at least 7 hours per night

The combination of all these new habits will activate natural weight loss automatically, because it’s creating a healthy environment for your body to increase it’s metabolic rate organically.

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Weight loss involves more than doing a couple crunches a night.

Or even having 20 Oreos every night instead of the whole pack.

It’s about a true change in mindset as well as habits and eating patterns. 

Things we are all taught as children.

Most people don’t realize that food choices and eating patterns or taught within the first 5 years of life. That is why a fat child will most likely become a fat adult. Because they were taught those eating habits and it has become part of their makeup.

A lot of parents also use food and sweets as rewards, that then teaches a child that food is a treat and is the only way to provide  good feelings.

So many adults utilize food as a coping mechanism or a source of enjoyment.

How my eating patterns were formed as a child.

As a child, I was always a very picky eater, due to my texture issues… but if there was something that I absolutely loved I could just keep eating it. 

Although my mother was very vigilant with my eating patterns and habits. And she would say, “you’ve had enough.”  I remember being so irritated about that as a young child, but I am so grateful for it now. Because that taught me appropriate portion control as well as the ability to allow myself to feel that I was full.  

Which also followed me into adulthood, aside from having good genes and a fast metabolism, I was taught proper portion control and healthy food choices as a child.  Because you can out eat good genes as well.

That’s why I say it’s about correcting habits, patterns and mindset. Some which are deeply ingrained and even part of our psychological makeup because they were implemented in childhood. 

A change in diet is very necessary.

There are two sayings about nutrition, “you can’t out exercise a bad diet” and “abs are made in the kitchen”. 

Your nutrition and dietary choices are the building blocks to your physical appearance. You are what you eat. Whether we’re talking about body shape or the aging process.

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When I see someone that is overweight on any level, I know exactly the types of food they are eating and the fact that they are eating it in large amounts. It takes a consistency of excessive unhealthy calories to maintain excess body weight. It’s not just a couple of cheat meals here and there… it’s consistent, daily consumption.

Why doesn’t my body just burn it off?

These are consecutive days unhealthy eating, which the body just continues to store away in its fat cells, because many of these processed foods contain ingredients and chemicals that the body does not know how to break down or in what way to utilize it. 

So your body just packs it on your belly, in your thighs, in your arms, because it doesn’t know what else to do with it. 

Now let’s discuss exercise, very important for weight loss as well as overall health benefits. The best way to physically burn existing body fat is weight training, by toning & strengthening the muscle underneath the fat, it causes fat burning. 

There is no way to do specific spot reduction, like slimming just belly fat or just thick thighs. Now doing high repetitions with low weight or resistance will definitely give slimming effects to certain body parts. But your body will still melt fat all-over… with the proper physical activity, weight training & cardio, elevating your heart rate as well as building muscle tone.

What about bariatric surgeries?

All-natural weight loss is the only way to slim down to a natural body composition and physique. We’ve all seen those participants in of lap band surgery or gastric bypass surgery, the weight comes off so quickly it leaves this very unnatural body fat composition, plus saggy skin. 

By putting in the real work and fixing the source of the problem, the psychological aspect of overeating. 

You’ll have lasting success.

Tying a band around your stomach it’s not addressing the source of the problem. And it’s a reason that over 95% of all bariatric surgeries are unsuccessful, patients gaining back all their weight plus some. Because the source of the problem was not addressed. 

The problem was in their mind, not their stomach. 

So, a collective approach is necessary to increase metabolism and overall health and Wellness.

A healthy meal plan, to learn healthy food choices and enter ketosis, a natural supplement to increase weight loss and a full body exercise plan, to increase fat burning, overall health & flexibility to decrease aches and pains.

Consistency is key.

Daily application of the approach stated above, will yield steady and progressive weight loss, getting you closer and closer to your goals each day.

This is the mindset change which will equal a lifestyle change. The only way to melt existing pounds is with consistency. Consistency to get it off and consistency to keep it off. 

How Much Do These Cost?

You would think this would be a plan of $500+ because of its well-rounded approach… but these weight loss tools are under $150, collectively. Which is really impressive and attainable for anyone serious about finally losing weight.

Bottom line.

The way to get rid of stubborn belly fat is through true diet change, natural supplements and consistent physical activity or exercise. 

The foods we eat determine the size of our waist… We must be burning the amount of calories we consumed without any excess… Because our bodies will store the excess in places we don’t want it.

By eating processed foods made with chemicals and preservatives and additives, we are confusing our system… because our bodies have no idea how to break down these unnatural man-made chemicals. 

Therefore, it stores these foods away in fat cells or as belly fat. We must have consistent physical exercise and eat Whole Foods, foods from all natural meat and foods that grew from the ground. 

Want a printable version of a Wellness Planner to Track Your Wellness & Goal Setting Progress?

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8 Healthy, Fat Burning Foods:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Fish is delicious and good for the system
  • MCT Oil, extracting MCTs from coconut or palm oil. …
  • Coffee, increasing metabolism
  • Eggs, protein-rich to aid in muscle building
  • Coconut Oil.
  • Green Tea, increased fat burning
  • Whey Protein, muscle building
  • Apple Cider Vinegar, alkaline the body
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This post was all about How to Finally Lose Stubborn Body Fat. By applying just one or all three and you will see changes in both your health and your physique.

Not to mention also adding healthy meals delivered to your door! This weight loss endeavor can’t get any better!