You want to lose weight, but  is exercise really necessary?

There seem to be conflicting opinions on this, but most would agree that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best approach to losing weight. 

It has to be a holistic approach… right? Full body… Agreed!

You can compare our bodies to very fine-tuned machines, that use whatever we put into them to operate. In a nutshell, our bodies run on blood sugar called glucose.

You are what you eat. 

If we put junk into our bodies, we can still go on, but not in the most optimized functioning level. Causing premature aging, unnecessary health issues and overall sluggish fatigue and loss of stamina.

Yes we can eat whatever foods we choose… But it will directly correlate into how we feel including energy levels as well as how we look including body weight, body fat composition and overall physical appearance.

Consuming junk foods causes premature visual aging because we are not giving our bodies the nutrients it needs for proper cell regeneration to maintain a youthful appearance. As well as a lack of hydration and antioxidants causes wrinkles and aging facial features. 

Exercise plays an important role because it leads to a depletion of blood sugar in our blood stream which then causes fat cells to release fat to replace it.

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Our body then uses this fat for energy instead of just storing it. And that’s how exercise for weight loss fits in. Burning an equal amount of calories consumed is the perfect formula or weight loss. 

When you perform moderate exercise, like walking, for instance. Your heart beats a little faster and you breathe a little harder. Your muscles utilize more glucose, which is the sugar flowing through your blood stream.

Over time, this can lower your blood sugar levels. It also causes the insulin in your body work more efficiently. You’ll get these benefits for hours after you take a walk or workout.

There are a couple of myths that need to be dispelled right away. 

1. Exercise means going to the gym every day for at least an hour or something comparable.

2. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want and then exercise to make it go away. 

Let’s start with the first myth. In order to be effective, exercise must be performed regularly. If you truly believe that you can go to the gym every single day to work out for an hour, then that’s fine.

Most people find this a stretch. But they feel that it must be done. Although, that may cause burnout in most, resulting in stopping all together. 

Moderation is key and long term.

Again these are the people that will dive into their exercise routine for a week or two and then…. get completely burned out and quit. 

Wrong Method. 

Your exercise routine should consist of doing something that you enjoy or don’t mind. This will result in more consistency and success if you’re doing movement that you actually like. 

Here are some more options:

  • Go for a Walk 
  • Attend a dance class
  • Take a bike ride
  • Go for a swim
  • Start Stretching
  • Take a yoga or tai chi class
  • Try tennis
  • Attend a group fitness class
  • Do some gardening
  • Perform resistance training with light weights or elastic exercise bands

This is a great variety of different fitness options, be sure to try them all. Combining them too…take some cardio, like walking or swimming and mix it with stretching or balance movements. This results in a well-rounded  workout. Any increase in movement will lower overall blood sugar and start to burn fat cells & storage. 

Does it have to be every day? No. But it must be something that you can stick to regularly, three to five times a week should be your goal. 

Consistency is key. Consciously trying to consistently workout is the only way to successfully  turn working out into a habit or lifestyle. 

It’s about daily movement. Getting physical activity in whether it’s a full-on workout or it’s gardening or going for a walk. 

You should try to get a combination of aerobic/cardio exercise which gets your heart rate up and strength building exercise, like resistance training. 

Exercise burns calories and speeds up your metabolism

While exercise will make you hungrier, it shouldn’t be an excuse to eat the wrong kinds of foods all the time. How often do you hear people say “Well, I’ll eat this piece of pie and work it off later?” 

That’s fine occasionally and you can afford to splurge every once in a while when you maintain a consistent activity routine. Even including in a cheat day or cheat meal. 

But consistently eating unhealthy foods that are full of sugar and saturated fat will never result in successful or consistent weight loss. 

You can never out train a bad diet.

What you put into your body is even more important when you are exercising. 

The right foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, fatty fish, etc) will give you increased energy and keep you feeling good. 

Providing you with the nutrients to perform  your exercise routine at the most beneficial level for optimal weight loss and improved strength. 

The wrong types of foods (excess fats, processed foods, too much sugar, etc) will only inhibit the effectiveness of your exercise and weight loss plan. 

Bottom line.

Yes exercise is necessary for weight loss.

 It is not the only component of weight loss, although it is the aspect that will result in an even body composition and fat loss as well as improving overall physique and physical appearance. 

It will also improve many internal systems including your cardiovascular system, your respiratory system, your musculoskeletal system and your lymphatic system. 

Improving your heart health, conditioning your heart. Improved lung condition as well as capacity.

Increase joint strength and stability due to developed muscle groups throughout your body. 

Increasing circulation overall,  which therefore increases total body health. 

Consistent exercise for weight loss will get you the kind of results you are looking for — a slimmer self for life.